Thursday, April 19, 2007

March Update

This was taken during the big snow we had in March. We got Reed all bundled up and went to play in the snow. He just wanted to put his face into the snow. Why is it that kids always want to eat snow?

Reed also can create art with food. At day care Reed created this masterpiece with pudding. It was their snack for the day but also the art project. I was not able to save it so I had to take a picture to keep the first art done by Reed.

The stitch'n girls finally got together on St. Patrick's Day. It had taken us a while to get together for our Christmas party. Who doesn't celebrate Christmas in March? It was fun to see all of the kids and finally see my own child in the mix. What a great sight. The kids in the photo are: (back row L to R) Quinn, Hunter and Macy : (front row L to R) Cade, Ben, Ethan and Reed.
The group has really grown in the last year or so.

It is Girl Scout cookie time and Reed knows what that is all about now. Grandma Sue brought out the thin mints and Reed loved them. As you can see by the amount on his face. I would love to be a kid again and not care what is on my face.

Well that is March in a nut shell. I will put on some pictures for April here real soon. The hair cut pictures are stuck on my phone but I can try to do a before and after photo for you.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute Pictures!!! I love them!!!